Sunday, November 28, 2010

3rd cycle...

Happy Thanksgiving!!  We had a great week and very, very white Thanksgiving.  Overall we probably had 6-10 inches of snowfall this week and it snowed all day long on Thanksgiving so that was kind of fun.  Almost every day I went out to shovel and found that it had already been done for me.  I'm not sure exactly who was helping but if it was one of you, THANKS!!!  It's been a blessing because between Noelle being ~32 weeks pregnant and chemo Adam, its tough to get out and get it done.  I've done it a few times to try and keep the driveway clean and my back is so sore aftwards that I can't hardly get off the couch.  I have pretty much zero muscle left after almost 3 months of inactivity.  It's very frustrating seeing as how I was in great shape in August/September.  For the past few days I've noticed the driveway was cleaned off with a snowblower.  They were sneaky and I couldn't catch them in the act so I could thank them.  Yesterday, I watched my neighbor dragging his snowblower across the street and snowblowing our drive for us.  Seeing as how I've probably said hi only a handful of times and didn't even know his name, I was pretty shocked and very thankful.  We'll bring them some cookies this week for sure.  Here's a quick video of Brynn playing in the snow while it was only 8-10 degrees outside!  It got down to -4 F one day!  We hadn't planned very well for snow as you can tell by Brynnley's gloves.  They were an old pair of Noelle's gloves and the only ones we could find that day.  She still enjoyed every second. 

Thanksgiving was great!  We had all our favorite turkey day treats as well as the standard turkey, stuffing and potatoes.  I was able to eat almost anything I wanted so I was definatly happy.  I over did it on leftovers one night though, uggghhh.  I start chemo again tomorrow!  I'm actually a little bit anxious.  It's just such a roller coaster of bad days and good days and I don't know what this one will bring.  I can tell my body is physically wearing down so I don't know what to expect from these last two cycles.  The only thing I am looking forward to is getting over the hump of this week.  When this week is over, I will only have 5 days of chemotherapy left and that is something I can look forward to and something I can deal with.  I still feel like there is a long ways to go but I can definatly see a glimmer of light... just out of reach but getting closer.   

On a very positive note, my doctor told me at my last appointment that my tumor markers have been in the normal range since my lung surgery.  I take that as a very good sign.  I've always had a nagging worry that there could be something growing in my brain.  I've never been really worried about it but the thought is there.  They don't typically do brain MRI's unless I am having symptoms, which I never have.  The facts are  that my tumor markers were high when I had 3 tumors but the tumor markers have been normal since those tumors were removed is somewhat comforting.  Only just a little....  He was also talking about post-chemo treatment plans.  I'll go in for another PET/CT scan in early January just to make sure there is nothing else that we need to worry about in the short term.  It's definatly nice to medically look forward to something other than chemotherapy. 


Dolores said...

We will definitley be thinking of you this week. You know where we will be and i will be wishing you were here with us. Maybe when you are better. Love you Adam

browerfamily said...

Glad you guys had a good Thanksgiving!